But once the first sunlight enliven the right light, we get a receipt for our negligence. Due to the laziness of the movement, the unsightly cellulite pads were seen to have been stored, his skin was dry and taut and his hair had not managed to clean properly the months under the cap. Stop the slack!
Time for intensive spring healing - from the inside!
Silicone medicine brings the body out of hibernation. Silicon is not just a vital trace element, but also an absolute beauty assurance. Contained in silicon gel - like the original siliceal balm from a health food store or pharmacy - it increases the water content of the connective tissue and improves the transport of nutrients to the cell.In addition, it enhances the production of two fibers of connective tissue elastin and collagen, which for the appearance of toned skin. responsible After 3 months treatment, the skin becomes radiant and elastic again, hair grows back shine and bounces and nails strengthened.
Silica is not the same as silicic acid
Essential for effective spa treatments is the availability of excellent silicone. for the body Silicic acid in liquid form has a decisive advantage over silica powder: silicones of silicic acid can be utilized optimally for the body, since it is present in large quantities but at the same time in water soluble form.These tiny particles become one Connection with water, but without dissolving entirely in it. The result is a gel-like fluid, called colloid, where the particles are on average about 1,800 times smaller than silica and naturally better absorbed by the body.
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